به گزارش رسانه ورزش زنان ایران IWSports ؛ دور برگشت از مرحله یک چهارم نهایی لیگ قهرمانان زنان اروپا چهارشنبه شب (8 فروردین) به انجام رسید و در یکی از بازی ها بین چلسی و مون پلیه فرانسه ، آبی های لندن در خانه 3 بر یک حریف خود را شکست دادند و در مجموع 5 بر یک صاحب برد شدند.
در این بازی فران کربی در دقیقه 4 یک گل زودهنگام برای چلسی به ثمر رساند اما سوفیا یاکوبسن در دقیقه 36 بازی را به تساوی کشاند تا 2 تیم در نیمه نخست با تساوی یک بر یک به رختکن بروند.
در نیمه دوم رامونا باخمن مهاجم سوییسی چلسی در دقیقه 50 گل دوم آبی های لندن را به ثمر رساند و سپس در دقیقه 77 فران کربی از روی نقطه پنالتی باز هم برای چلسی گلزنی کرد.

<> at The Cherry Red Records Stadium on March 28, 2018 in Kingston upon Thames, England.

KINGSTON UPON THAMES, ENGLAND – MARCH 28: General view of the match during the UEFA Womens Champions League Quarter-Final Second Leg between Chelsea Ladies and Montpellier at The Cherry Red Records Stadium on March 28, 2018 in Kingston upon Thames, England. (Photo by Catherine Ivill/Getty Images)

KINGSTON UPON THAMES, ENGLAND – MARCH 28: Referee Anastasia Pustovoitova leads the teams out before the UEFA Womens Champions League Quarter-Final Second Leg between Chelsea Ladies and Montpellier at The Cherry Red Records Stadium on March 28, 2018 in Kingston upon Thames, England. (Photo by Catherine Ivill/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Anastasia Pustovoitova

during the UEFA Womens Champions League Quarter-Final second leg match between Chelsea Ladies and Montpellier at The Cherry Red Records Stadium on March 28, 2018 in Kingston upon Thames, England.

during the UEFA Womens Champions League Quarter-Final second leg match between Chelsea Ladies and Montpellier at The Cherry Red Records Stadium on March 28, 2018 in Kingston upon Thames, England.

during the UEFA Womens Champions League Quarter-Final: Second Leg match between Chelsea Ladies and Montpellier at The Cherry Red Records Stadium on March 28, 2018 in Kingston upon Thames, England.

during the UEFA Womens Champions League Quarter-Final: Second Leg match between Chelsea Ladies and Montpellier at The Cherry Red Records Stadium on March 28, 2018 in Kingston upon Thames, England.

during the UEFA Womens Champions League Quarter-Final second leg match between Chelsea Ladies and Montpellier at The Cherry Red Records Stadium on March 28, 2018 in Kingston upon Thames, England.

during the UEFA Womens Champions League Quarter-Final second leg match between Chelsea Ladies and Montpellier at The Cherry Red Records Stadium on March 28, 2018 in Kingston upon Thames, England.